Sunday, April 5, 2009

Luke is 10 months

Luke is 10.5 months old now! Is that crazy or what? My baby is fast approaching toddlerhood.

  • has four teeth
  • stands alone frequently (for a few seconds at a time)
  • is still a mama's boy
  • loves to make smacking sounds with his mouth
  • continues to be a growler, especially at Grammy and Grandpa as they engage him in growling matches.
  • Dad, da da or any variations thereof continues to be his favorite word
  • upon hearing yea, he claps his hands
  • gives a high 5 on request, enjoying it so much he often does it 4 or more times in sequence
  • likes to feeding himself mac n cheese and any other table food we will let him try
  • so much more that I am probably forgetting at the moment

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