Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Camping with the Big Boys!

On August 2nd, Evan and Noah had their first overnight camping trip with the Cub Scouts. One of the perks about being a Webelo is that you get to camp overnight. Many of the dads look forward to sharing this expericnce with their son. While Evan loves spending quality time with Noah, he is not a very experienced or eager camper. There was some joking between

Evan and another dad about camping at a Motel. In seriousness, Evan would have not missed the opportunity, as this was important to Noah. The camp is located at Pt. Mugu Naval Base. It seems like a pretty safe place to set up a tent. Both dad and son had a blast! I was so proud of them. I only heard positive feedback and saw smiley faces upon their return.

Did I mention that he was never a Cub Scout or Boy Scout? Noah loves scouting! I am glad that he gets a chance to do things that he may not otherwise experience. Many of his friends are also scouts. Some of Noah's favorite camp activities are archery and shooting BB Guns.

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