Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Own Little Gidget!

Samantha is our little surfer girl! She has developed a true love for the ocean and everything related to surfing. Evan and I were very impressed with her ability to ride the waves. She was out there with the big boys (and girls)! Granted, this was one of the mildest beaches in Ventura County. It was nice to see her show so much determination and effort. Oh yeah, did I mention that million dollar smile? The one that causes her whole face to radiate..

More impressive than her surfing, was her desire and willingness to put her surfboard aside to help her brother. Noah can catch some waves, but needs some help getting out to the appropriate spot. Noah is getting close to be able to do it by himself, but he doesn't have that internal motivation. Just as he was about to ride a wave on this day, a boy crossed his path and he bailed. That was all the excuse he needed to hit the sand and drop the surf. I must admit, it was a little disappointing to see him gave up so quickly. I have to keep reminding myself that he is only 9 years old. Maybe, next time..........

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