If You're Happy and You Know It
Look At Me Now
Do I look relaxed to you?
Look At Me Now
Luke continues to be a smiley and active little guy. We have nicknamed him Tigger, as he likes to bounce. I've tried to really enjoy the little things, which by the way are so huge. I love it when he has the grin that comes with accomplishment. It is not a bragger type of an expression, but rather one of amazement, wonder and sometimes curiosity. He speaks to me with his beautiful blue eyes and smile. I am compelled to clap and cheer. Yea Luke! Good Boy! Mommy Loves You! Luke loves to clap too! If there is a lot of energy in the room, he gets even more excited. The claps get louder and the bouncing gets faster.
Luke's Accomplishments:
- pulling himself up (for about a week now)
- cruising along the furniture (the last couple of days)
- trying to stand on his own (yesterday - only successful for a couple of seconds)
- bathing in the big tub without his little bath (only likes it, if mommy comes in)
- vocalizing with more intensity
- clapping more frequently and deliberately
- easily grabbing snacks and putting them into his mouth
- transferring objects from one hand to the other
- improving on all of his earlier accomplishment
As I watch Luke (and his sibling), my heart is touched. Often times, I find myself fighting back tears. The tears are of joy, thankfulness, unconditional love, fear and sadness. I am overwhelmed and thankful for the Blessings that God has given me. Being a little older and more experienced parent this time around, I have tried to soak it all in. I enjoyed Samantha and Noah immensely and was able to spend countless hours playing with them. I just did not realize how fast the time would go (this is the sad part).
Having four children has brought great joy to my life and taught me of a different kind-of love. I would lay my life down for any of them. Loving them makes me want to be a better wife, daughter, mother, sister, friend, etc. I am called to be a good example of Christ's love, yet I fail everyday(I fear what this may cost). My patience gets thin, my disappointment is too obvious and my expectations may be too high or low (depending on the subject -school vs. household duties). I feel a heavy burden to teach them how to care for others, as I care for them and as God cares for all of us. Parenting is not easy!
As I was typing this entry, Luke woke up and began to cry. Noah walked in the room and upon making eye contact he said, "Luke had hope in his eyes". He was referring to the fact that Luke was hoping that Noah would reach in and rescue him. What a strong statement! I began to wonder, do I have hope in my eyes? Have I shared hope with those closest to me?
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