Noah's Cub Scout Pack had its 3rd Annual Kite Flying Day on Saturday. It was lots of fun to spend time with the family, but the winds were very low and it was difficult to keep the kites in the air. Samantha had the best luck with her simple (basic) kite! Luke probably had the most fun, as he had never got to walk with such freedom in such an open and expansive field. I can't wait to see him in Ohio!
Noah got a little bored with the endeavor, so he found his way to the picnic tables. Let me just say, mama wasn't too happy when she discovered he brought his PSP. I was giving him a little leeway to hangout with his friend who was temporarily confined to wheelcheer (due to a recent trampoline accident and surgery). I just didn't expect them to both be sitting there playing electronic games. What happened to conversation, common courtesy and enjoying a beautiful day outdoors? Can you tell this is a pet peeve of mine? It is frustrating when kids totally miss the point!